TRUST YOUR INTUITION! Protect yourself, your family and your home: *BUY GUNS* and trust your gut… **Record gun sales** over Black Friday
Americans - some of them at least - are trusting their gut when it comes to personal safety and security. They see the insane violent crime happening all around them. Maybe they've even been victimized themselves. Their intuition is telling them that there's danger in the world today. Serious danger.…
ONE WAY OF LOOKIN’ AT IT: Everytown says ‘Break the cycle’ of violence
Everytown for Gun Violence, or for Gun Control, or whatever spends Michael Bloomberg's money to promote your disarmament. Because disarmed people make better victims not only for criminals but also for those who think government is the answer to everything. This came across my virtual desk the other day. Over…
OUR OPINION: Law Weapons’ ‘Law Bolt 15’ doesn’t change an AR-15 into anything but a ‘malfunctioning’ AR-15
Robert Bevis, the owner of Law Weapons in Naperville, came up with an interesting idea that he thought might exempt rifles from gun registration in Illinois. At first blush, we thought it was a great idea. However, at GSL, we get readers from all corners of the firearm world. At…
WELCOME TO CHICAGO: Another day, another slew of armed robberies [VIDEO]
Another day, another slew of armed robberies in Chicago. This one caught on camera from last weekend. View this post on Instagram A post shared by @chicagocrittermedia
Rapper turned Actor Ice T posts some of his gun collection on Twitter
Ice T, the rapper from way back who transitioned into mainstream acting, recently posted some of his gun collection on Twitter. Allegedly. He's no spring chicken, either. He's been working on SVU for 25 seasons now. Anyway, here's his collection. Better than many I know, but if it's stored either…
REGISTRATION WINDOW LOOMS: Do you register? Move ‘em out-of-state? Burial? Or Molon Labe?
The so-called “Protect IL Communities Act” gun and magazine ban has a registration window for current owners of banned firearms and accessories. While there are multiple legal challenges to the law, it’s unlikely we’ll get relief in the courts before the registration window closes on Dec. 31st. So what do…
EAST CENTRAL IL TONITE: State Rep. Chris Miller, GSL Exec. Dir. John Boch at ‘PICA’ Town Hall Meeting in Newman, IL
Illinois State Representative Chris Miller and Guns Save Life's Executive Director will appear at a "Protect Illinois Communities Act" Town Hall Meeting on Monday evening, November 27th. The even till take place at the Newman, IL Regional Library (207 S. Coffin St, Suite D, Newman) starting at 7pm. The event…
(NOT!) A LEGAL WORKAROUND: Law Weapons has a “LAW-15” bolt that turns your AR-15 into a “bolt action” rifle, exempting it from gun registration UPDATE: Except it doesn’t…
Robert Bevis, the owner of Law Weapons in Naperville, has come up with a brilliant workaround for owners of America's favorite rifle, the AR-15. At least when it comes to exempting the rifles from gun registration in Illinois. UPDATE: We'll leave the rest of this post largely intact, save for…
ANOTHER LEFTIST KOOK TURNED MURDERER: Louisville would-be mass murderer’s ‘journal’ shows he targeted ‘upper class white people’ to spur more gun control
What is it with these radical leftists? They're willing to commit violence to further their political beliefs. Oh wait, that's fascism, isn't it? Take the Louisville, KY kook who took it upon himself to shoot up an office, trying to kill a bunch of people to promote gun control. Oh…
DON’T TALK TO THE POLICE: Woman arrested after talking to police… If she had only kept her mouth shut!
Folks, it doesn't matter if cops are at your door asking about your guns or out in public asking you about something else. Either way, the answer is the same. "I'm not answering any questions until I've spoken with my attorney." Video is going viral for obvious reasons but…