THEY’RE EVIL: LA County revokes CCW license for man who fired in self-defense against pair of armed robbers…
So a whole bunch of America saw the video of Vince Ricci, an LA resident who drew his legal CCW to thwart a pair of armed robbers who hopped the fence around his home to rob him one night. Thanks to great home security. Now comes news that the LA…
Chicago braces for a repeat of the DNC 1968 Convention next year…
Every man, woman and child can count on two things: death and taxes. Now, with the Democrat National Convention set to land in the lawless city of Chicago in August 2024, we can all count on something else: POLITICAL VIOLENCE. It's guaranteed to be a total crapshow outside The United…
ABC: Hamas & Hezbollah sleeper cells are in America… deal with it.
Hamas and Hezbollah have sleeper cells in America. They are ready to launch attacks inside our nation, with their goal to kill and maim infidels and to cause chaos in the streets. We know of thousands of said agents here in publicly-sourced data. There's probably thousands more that we didn't…
Farmer vs. Drone: Watch a great ad from Germany…
MEHRBIO has a great ad from Germany about what happens when you fly your drone over a farmer's field. Well, not exactly, but you get the idea. As you might imagine there are a whole slew of rules and regs about drones. And while they may hover over your…
CONGRATS DAN CAULKINS: US Supreme Court dockets appeal brought by Dan Caulkins challenging PICA gun & magazine ban
Congratulations to Dan Caulkins for getting his challenge of the PICA gun & magazine ban docketed by the US Supreme Court. Docketing is the first step to seeking certiori for SCOTUS to hear a case. Roughly 98% of the docketed cases are not accepted, but it's the first step in…
PERSONAL SAFETY: Mobs blocking traffic are like a hornet’s nest; deadly force is off the table with narrow exceptions
We're seeing a new rash of "demonstrations" by Jew-hating leftists in America. To date they've largely been in deeply "progressive" cities and neighborhoods across our nation. It's not just "somewhere else," it's right here in Illinois from Chicago to Skokie to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Some of these…
GOOD NEWS! Decatur Serval wildcat caught… Opportunities lost…
Lookie lookie! The Serval wildcat on the prowl north of Decatur has been located and caught. Seems wild kitty wanted some tuna and got caught in a livetrap between Decatur and Maroa. Yes, it represents opportunities lost. That cat would have looked really good in a trophy room. Or my…
CHICAGO’S BRAZEN BAD GUYS: Beverly neighborhood family featured on Today Show has SECOND car stolen as carjackers return
Thanks to our commenters for sharing this: The thugs that carjacked a family from their home in the Beverly neighborhood returned Tuesday morning - yesterday - to steal a second car. The 'jackers made off with one car and likely had a key and/or keyfob on the keyring, so why…
The men and women of the Illinois State Police now find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place. Unfortunately for them, the day is coming when they should choose wisely when it comes to enforcement of the Protect Illinois Communities Act (PICA) gun and magazine ban. "Choose wisely"…
EVERYTHING’S GOING SWIMMINGLY: 2023 Chicago crime to hit post-covid record, up nearly 60 percent over 2019
Our state has the very best leadership, both in Springfield in state government and at the local level. As a testament to that leadership, crime in Chicago is well on its way to becoming double what it was in 2019. Nice job Governor Pritzker, the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus and…