EVERYTHING’S GOING SWIMMINGLY: 2023 Chicago crime to hit post-covid record, up nearly 60 percent over 2019
Our state has the very best leadership, both in Springfield in state government and at the local level. As a testament to that leadership, crime in Chicago is well on its way to becoming double what it was in 2019. Nice job Governor Pritzker, the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus and…
CHARLIE KIRK: ‘A degenerate culture of glorifying crime and violence’ is to blame for ‘problems’ in ‘the hood’
It's our fault. Just ask Justice Kagan: ‘It’s so obvious that people who have guns pose a great danger to others’ It's not the people behind the guns, of course. Just like it wasn't the terrorists who flew those planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 9/11. Or…
ZeroHedge calls out Rolling Stone’s sad attempt to blame gun industry for gang violence and mass murderers
Rolling Stone used to be a magazine about music. It used to be the "must read" publication for professionals in the music industry and those who idolized said industry. Sort of like MTV used to be a channel dedicated to music videos. Then it fell into the hard-left sphere of…
ISP releases Week 6 Gun Registry Compliance… you’ll be shocked to see the change this past week
The Illinois State Police today posted the Week 6 Compliance numbers for the so-called "Protect Illinois Communities Act" gun registration scheme. It's not pretty. We are at the half-way point of the three month window for registering banned guns, accessories and ammo. So far though, gun owners haven't been impressed…
Chicago makes The Today Show with vicious carjacking in ‘upscale’ neighborhood…
The last fifty feet to your front door is one of the three locations the average person is most likely to become a victim of violent crime.* A Chicago family's ordeal captured on a Ring camera show just how quickly things can go sideways. The crisp video went viral and…
BUT DID THEY REGISTER THOSE? Chicago ‘bangers riding near Mayor’s house rock out with their Glocks out
The new so-called "Protect Illinois Communities Act" is supposed to, well, protect Illinois Communities. But do you really want to know who it really protects? It protects gang members from law-abiding citizens fighting back against them. The new law disarms all of the good people in the hopes that the…
ANTIFA: ‘END ELECTIONS NOW!’ Antifa domestic terrorists from Portland send fentanyl-laced threatening letters
Here's one you didn't see on the CBS Evening News... Antifa in Portland sent love letters chock full of leftist symbols and messaging to election officials in five states. The message in the letters: "End elections now." Sure, why not? Let the terrorists win? Sorry to break it to the…
GOT GUN? Now *POLICE OFFICERS* are ‘sheltering-in-place’ along with community members in the face of radical left Hamas supporters
Wait, what? The cops are hiding from pro-Palestinian protesters? It's true. In New York City. Hamas supporters in NYC have surrounded Grand Central Station and are attempting to breach the outer doors to reach police officers sheltering inside. pic.twitter.com/7z2PoiQquJ — @amuse (@amuse) November 11, 2023 Jewish New Yorkers would be…
VIGILANTISM SPREADS: Soros-funded prosecutors lead to vigilantism; rest assured Soros prosecutors will vigorously prosecute good Samaritans and vigilantes
In the 1970s, crime in America surged to very high levels. The perception at least was that the cops seldom catch offenders. (Gee, does that sound familiar?) Americans, then disarmed by gun control laws and bans on concealed carry were frustrated. Of course the mainstream media didn't help. And back…
VIGILANTISM PICKING UP STEAM IN CHICAGO: Car thief ‘detained’ and ‘restrained’
Well now. The good people of Chicago are sick and tired of mopes stealing their stuff with impunity. So when some career criminal stole a Kia using stolen keys, the owner tracked the car down. Lo and behold, Mergim Mehmeti used the key to get into the car and that's…