STILL LOOSE, STILL DANGEROUS: African Serval Cat last seen near Maroa… headed north from Decatur
Decatur residents are breathing a sigh of relief now that the African Serval cat has left the city and was last seen on or about Halloween prowling Maroa, IL a few miles north of Decatur. At this rate he (or she) should make it to Clinton soon, and maybe even…
Illinois State Police PICA hearing in Springfield… quick summary
So the Illinois State Police Hearing on the Protect Illinois Communities Act. First thoughts: the annoying buzz and the fact that only Suzanne Bond and a Captain from Illinois State Police as the only people there tells me they aren't taking the seriously. The buzzing on the video is a…
PICA Hearing #1 with Illinois State Police takes place THURSDAY at 9:30a.m.
The first of three public hearings on the so-called Protect Illinois Communities Act and its gun registration component will take place THURSDAY at 9:30a.m. The in-person meeting will take place in Springfield (Room D1 in the Stratton Building) in a room that will hold about 80. Expect a crowd "well…
MATH ISN’T HER STRONG SUIT: Gretchen Carlson’s uncomfortable truth about America’s favorite rifle, the AR-15
So Gretchan Carlson, whoever that is, opened her piehole to tell us all she's a big fan of math. And then she let the whole world know that math isn't her strong suit. Talk about a self-own. Why it's almost like she's a beauty queen and not an academic queen. …
HOW BAD IS CHICAGO? They’re about to approve an ‘Exit Tax’
Trick or treat, Chicago residents. Joke's on you. That Alderwoman's shirt says it all... "Democratic Socialists" are really communists. Just with a kinder, gentler name. As if Chicago isn't bad enough of late with high crime, higher taxes and corrupt politicians who live, work and play behind armed bodyguards. Nope,…
HE WON’T MAKE HIS COURT DATE: Guy caught flying in 62 pounds of cocaine to Midway Airport in Chicago, released under SAFE-T Act.
Meet Terrence Slaughter (above). In an incredibly prophetic booking image, he shows what he's going to look like in a few days after losing $3.5M worth of cartel cocaine to a police bust at Midway Airport in Chicago. Thanks to the new SAFE-T Act, Mr. Slaughter was released without bail…
‘DEFENSELESS VICTIMHOOD FOR ALL’? 49% of Democrats want to ban all handguns.
There are some polling numbers out that should scare all of us. Almost exactly half of Democrats in America today - the same people who wanted to throw people into jail for refusing to get vaccinated, questioning vaccine effectiveness or refusing to wear masks - support banning handguns in America. …
I TOLD YOU SO: Vigilantism incident in Chicago goes sideways… this time
For about three months now I've mentioned in my Executive Director's Report that vigilantism is coming to Chicago. Offenders in Chicago - even violent offenders - effectively face about a 1% chance of arrest, prosecution and then incarceration for committing serious crimes. That's even with Chicago Police Department sucking up…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The End Is Near. Pray Accordingly. [Humor…]
With all the latest attacks on the Jewish homeland, some see this as another step toward the fulfillment of the ancient biblical prophecy foretelling the final battle between the forces of good and evil. The Book of Revelation describes the events leading up to the End of Days but doesn’t…
HAPPY HALLOWEEN: Ten ‘mass shootings’ that have happened since Lewiston, Maine you didn’t hear about…
Happy Halloween everyone! Dress warmly. It's going to be cold outside. That aside, did you know there have been at least a dozen mass public shootings since Lewiston, Maine last Wednesday? This includes not one, but TWO in Chicago - aka Murder City USA. You didn't see news of all…