SOMETHING FUN: ‘Nightmare in Crete’ Haunted Hayride this weekend and next! Crete, IL
The F-Men in Crete have brought back the Haunted Hayride known as "Nightmare in Crete." They have more scares, more tricks, and more treats than ever before! In the summer of 1847, Cecil F. Mancy’s macabre killing spree terrorized the residents of Crete, IL. Who in the heck was Cecil…
BISHOP ON FIRE! Greg Bishop brings comprehensive updates on Gun & Mag ban lawsuits…
Greg Bishop has left WMAY's morning show and is doing an online show now in the mornings on YouTube. Yeah, I know. YouTube, not Rumble. Maybe that will change. In the meantime, if the last two days are any indication, this is going to be a "must watch" or listen…
Federal Courts strike down California’s ‘Scary Black Gun’ ban… for the second time
Yesterday, Judge St. Roger Benitez struck down California's ban on scary black rifles as unconstitutional. He was savage in the decision. But you just know that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will immediately hop to and enjoin his decision. Just like they did in his decision last month when reconsidering…
Layer your home defenses!
The Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network publishes a monthly “journal” online with news and information for their members. The good news is that the journal is available for everyone and has plenty of good information within. You really couldn't do better than to pour yourself your favorite beverage and sit…
CHICAGO: Where gang violence and dismal Chicago Public Schools education intersect
You can think WirePoints for doing some simple research on the intersection of gang violence and homicides in Chicago intersect with the Chicago Public School system's utterly failure to educate young people. We've said it before: Young people who can't read, write and do basic math have little to no…
OMG IT’S BAD: Illinois State Police release Week 2 Gun Registry Compliance Stats… They’re up to .0669% compliance!
Holy smokes, Batman. JB Pritzker planned to claim that 78% of Illinois FOID holders complied with the gun registration scheme on about December 5th. Yeah, the scheme was drawn up among Pritzker and his inner circle in a planned effort to gaslight gun owners into thinking their fellow FOID holders…
More from Greg Bishop on JCAR ruling on IL State Police Gun Registration Emergency Rules…
Greg Bishop has left WMAY's morning show and is putting together his own program/livestream/podcast or whatever you want to call it. And yesterday he covered the JCAR ruling and included an interview with Dan Eldridge. It's worth a watch, especially if you're not 100% up to speed on stuff.…
MAKE MINE A DOUBLE SHOT OF SCHADENFREUDE: Jussie Smollett turns to rehab after fake hate stunt exposed and his career circles the drain
Why, it's almost like bigot Jussie Smollett thought that a fake hate crime would launch his career and make him rich and famous. The only problem was, like so many (fake) hate crimes, it was all fake. Now, after two years of one mess after another, and losing his job…
STILL LOOSE, STILL DANGEROUS: African Serval still running loose near DECATUR, danger to small kids and pets
The African Serval wildcat is still running loose in Decatur. The animal, probably not a threat to adults, but very much a potential threat to small children and pets, was a private "pet" owned by, well, this guy in Decatur. Yeah. That guy. Here's the story from WCIA: DECATUR, Ill.…
GOOD NEWS: Illinois State Police took down their Ammo Tracking on ammo background check page…
Good news breaking out all over. Alec Baldwin gets to sweat a felony in New Mexico. Purchasing some ammo today didn't result in an ammo background check at a notable retailer. And I'm saving the best for last: The Illinois State Police have taken down the ammunition caliber tracking function…