DEAD: Dem Party canvasser shot dead by 15-year-old armed robber
The Secretary for the Ingham County Democratic Party, Ted Lawson, was shot dead after a 15-year-old stuck a gun in his face and demanded money. It's interesting to see how the mainstream media wrote about it. "Oh, a 15-year-old asked him for money." Yeah. "Asked him." Here's some photos from…
BIDEN: ‘Who needs a weapon with a hundred rounds in the chamber?’ ANSWER: These people…
BIDEN: “Who in God’s name needs a weapon with 100 rounds in their chamber!?” — ALX (@alx) October 15, 2023 Easy. These people. And these people... These people. — Self-Aware (@F1sT) October 15, 2023 Or maybe this family? House in southern Isral where a family was killed by…
The latest anti-gun astroturf group that claims it’s not really anti-gun: 97Percent
Meet 97Percent, the latest and greatest astroturf anti-gun group that claims it's not anti-gun. It's headed up by a woman Olivia Troye (pictured above) who once was an advisor to Michael Pence (not exactly a resume enhancer in the minds of many, including myself). A woman that the hags on…
Joe Biden’s arming Israeli citizens while trying to disarm American citizens back home
You have to love "build back better." Creepy Joe Biden is helping arm Israeli citizens with AR-15s. Meanwhile, his regime works tirelessly to ban the little people from owning those same rifles in America. NEW VIDEO: The Biden Administration is Helping To Arm Israeli Citizens With Assault Riffles While Simultaneously…
Some Reddit advice on coping with Chicago’s prolific armed robberies borders on insane
You just never know who's giving advice on Reddit. It's the internet, after all. Story time: Many years ago I knew a lawyer. He was a nice guy but a lonely guy. As far as I knew he had gone out on a single date since his second wife killed…
Second City Cop shines light on Ammo Registration Scheme, Pritzker’s (now former, LOL) plan to gaslight gun owners into registering their guns
We love the Second City Cop Blog. They're the top blog to read about what's going on among rank-and-file cops in Chicago. They returned this summer after a two-year hiatus caused by credible threats to out them. Last night, at their regular midnight post, they covered the Illinois State Police's…
Washington Gun Law covers Illinois Gun Owners near-zero compliance with gun registration
William Kirk over at Washington Gun Law on YouTube released a new video on the near total non-compliance with the Land of Lincoln's new gun registration scheme. Kirk, who is a Guns Save Life member by the way, mocked Governor Pritzker while lauding our state's non-compliance with a patently unconstitutional…
FBI: ‘No credible threat’ but special fencing installed around US Capitol building
The FBI says there's no credible threat of Islamic terror in America. No, to hear the FBI say it, the far-right MAGA extremists are to blame. HINT FOR THE FBI: Extremism in pursuit of liberty is no vice. Neither is putting America first. Meanwhile at the US Capitol: Special security…
FBI: No credible threat, MAGA extremists stoke fears. MEANWHILE: Terrorist supporting rallies everywhere; Local police heighten readiness.
Who are you going to believe? Do you believe your own lying eyes or do you believe today's FBI? The same agency who can't discern an Islamic terror link when witnesses report terrorists screaming Allahu Ackbar as they slaughter innocents? The same agency who now says MAGA extremists are the…
More making plans for Hamas’ ‘Jihad Friday’
Hamas leadership is calling for a worldwide "day of jihad" on Friday. These include "pro-terrorism" rallies, some of which have turned violent already in America. Hamas is also calling for spilling blood and killing people as well. We covered it earlier, but since writing that, more news has come out. …