SCHADENFREUDE: Reporter who mocked owning guns for self-defense shot to death at his residence
Those who ignore the proven benefits of firearms ownership get to live (and sometimes die) with the consequences of their decision. Take Philadelphia reporter Josh Kruger. He mocked the idea of owning a gun to defend one's home. He "downplayed" the crime scourge in the city formerly known for its…
City of Murders releases ‘peacekeeper’ robbery and beatdown video from Memorial Day weekend [VIDEO]
After a protracted FOIA legal battle, the City of Murders finally released footage of the Memorial Day weekend armed robbery and serious beat down committed by one of Chicago's "anti-violence" "peacekeepers." The so-called "peacekeeper" Oscar Montes, 31, just released from prison, was tracked down as the yellow-vested "peacekeeper" who took…
Chicago devolving into third-world cesspool… including ‘black’ vs. ‘brown’ racial tensions
Crime in Chicago continues to steadily ramp up, afflicting every neighborhood. Think of it as "equity" in that all neighborhoods have become crime infested. 911 calls go unanswered. A majority of serious violent crime 911 calls that are answered have no law enforcement available to respond. Like the woman getting…
COMING ON OR ABOUT DECEMBER 5 – Gov. Pritzker: ‘78% compliance rate on gun registration’
Our sources inside the Pritzker inner circle are sharing more tidbits. We learned a few weeks ago about Gov. Jelly Beans and his plan to "close the existing owner loophole" next year after the registration period closes through new legislation Rep. Bob Morgan will be delighted to file. What will…
NICE TRY: GSL in law enforcement crosshairs re: gun buybacks?
Guns Save Life has quite the reputation for repeatedly stinging government buyback events. We trade junk guns, sometimes utterly trashed guns for perfectly good cash which we then forward to youth shooting programs across the state. Oh yeah, occasionally, we even use the money to buy guns to give away…
MAKE IT HURT A LOT MORE: Court orders New York to pay almost half-mil in legal fees for [i]Bruen[/i]
A judge ordered New York State to pay almost a half-million dollars to the National Rifle Association after it lost the Bruen court case in front of the US Supreme Court last summer. Here's a hint though: The money didn't come out of the wallets of the politicians who fought…
WAIT, WHAT? Tennessee deputy shoots at ‘bomb’ hooked by fisherman
Fishermen in Tennessee hooked what they thought was a "bomb" while fishing a pond near Camden, Tennessee. So the men call the law and a sheriff's deputy comes out. The lawman reportedly confirms that it is an explosive, specifically Tannerite and that it has a fuse attached. Really? Maybe the…
NO THANK YOU: ISP announces gun, magazine, ammo registration portal
The Illinois State Police proudly announced that the registration portal is now open at the ISP's Firearms Services Bureau website. I'll cut to the chase: *if* you choose to register, don't do it before the end of December. Give the courts an opportunity to act. *If* you do decide to…
GSL HONOR FLIGHT SERIES: Korea and Vietnam Memorials
Welcome to a multi-post series of the Guns Save Life group’s Honor Flight trip on September 19th. There’s FAR too much to put in a single post, so I’m going to make a series of it. Probably will combine one or two stops into each post. I tried to post…
HAPPY ENDING FOR EVERYONE BUT MAURICIO: Estranged husband meets the new boyfriend, attacks him, gets shot
Why can't people just get along and behave? In Oklahoma City, Mauricio Delarosa, aged old enough to know better (34), called his estranged wife's phone 170 times over a few hours. Then he showed up at the residence where she was staying with her now-boyfriend. An enraged Delarosa broke in…