WHAT WOULD YOU DO? ‘Trans’ student attacks, savagely beats biological female at Oregon Middle School.
Yeah, it says it happened at an Oregon High School but it was really at a middle school. Specifically, the Hazlebrook Middle School in the Tigard Tualatin School District in Oregon. What would you do if that was your daughter or granddaughter that found herself on the receiving end of…
UIUC College of Business Dean calls 911 in Chicago… and nobody answered… and he almost gets a beatdown too!
The UI Champaign's Dean of the College of Business took a trip up to the big city and came away with a really bad experience. He almost got a certifiable ass-whoopin', but he lucked out there. Heck, he could have been killed. So what happened? He called 911 in downtown…
Welcome to a multi-post series of the Guns Save Life group’s Honor Flight trip on September 19th. There’s FAR too much to put in a single post, so I’m going to make a series of it. Probably will combine one or two stops into each post. I tried to post…
Chicago-style armed robberies come to downstate Illinois… Is your city next?
Chicago has a big, big problem with armed robbery crews rolling up in stolen / carjacked cars, jumping out and robbing people and then driving away. How bad is it? On Tuesday of this week they had 15 reported in a 4-hour span in the middle of the day. High…
GET OUT OF JAIL FREE: 19-year-old felon, out on bail on a gun charge, shoots another man’s dog… released without bail
A 19-year-old criminal named Darrick Bender, driving a stolen BMW and already out on bail for pointing a gun at a woman last month, shot another man's pit bull dog Sunday night. He fled from police but was caught. While running from cops he tossed a bag that cops found…
Newsom signs more gun control, increasing ‘prohibited’ places and adding an additional 11% excise tax on guns, ammo
Gavin Newsom hates gun rights. And he's doing his best to promote racist, classist and sexist gun control measures. What's more, he has the audacity to sign more gun control on a table with a sign posted that says "Gun safety laws work." Yep, they sure do... they work to…
GSL GROUP HONOR FLIGHT SERIES: The night before and the flight into Reagan National…
Welcome to a multi-post series of the Guns Save Life group's Honor Flight trip on September 19th. There's FAR too much to put in a single post, so I'm going to make a series of it. Probably will combine one or two stops into each post. I tried to post…
DEMS DIDN’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT GANG VIOLENCE: US House hearing on Chicago crime boycotted by Dems
US House Democrats avoided Tuesday's US House Judiciary Committee hearing in Chicago. In fact, they avoided it like the plague. Even the local pols stayed far, far away. But ignoring it or boycotting it won't solve gang violence in Chicago, nor will it save lives. But it keeps them from…
BLUE CITY BLUES: Philadelphia erupts into total chaos… watch the video of the latest
Cops are calling it a "coordinated attack." The rest of us call it anarchy. The deep blue city of Philadelphia saw large numbers of urban youth sacking a number of retailers in Philly's downtown Tuesday evening into Wednesday. Yes, Virginia, it's not just Chicago that's seeing orgies of looting and…
Chicago: 15 robberies in 4 hours in the middle of the day Tuesday… remember 60% of violent crimes go unreported
"Nobody in a position of authority or responsibility seems inclined to do much about it." That's how CWB Chicago analyzes the exploding number of armed robberies in Chicago. On Tuesday, Chicago cops got reports of 15 robberies in 4 hours in the middle of the day. Want to know something…